Thursday, 21 March 2013

Becoming sidetracked

Supposed to be completing stitcheries for a quilt. Became a little side-tracked and made a cute mum and bub owl.

And then another owl........
My husband has taken to calling me "Fluff" as I can never settle on one thing at a time. There are just sew many things to make and not enough hours in the day. That is the great thing about winter , I can settle on the couch with stitcheries , knitting and my hexie grandmothers garden quilt that has been on the go for 4 years. I vow and declare I will at least have the top all joined before summer comes around again.


marina said...

very cute owls.
I can be your hexagon cheerleader if you like!
Get moving miss fluff!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous work Jacky and hi i am also Marina;s friend,love your new blog.xx

Maria said...

Hmm you sound like me.. working on sew many projects at once...
Maybe we should good like Marina and only work one a week.

Shirley said...

Hello Jacky, paying a visit from Stitcherydo HQ. cheering you on too with the hexagons. Came to visit via Marina.

Bev C said...

Hello Jacky,

Those owls are so cute, good luck with your hexagons.

Happy days.

Jackyandthecrew said...

Thank you Marina, obviously not doing housework on your day off.

marina said...

I always like to post on Friday mornings before I start the drudgery... lol

kiwikid said...

Love these owls too! Visiting via Marina too!